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  1. HTB Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2024 Writeup
  2. Pinot RCE, DataDog, your 2FA codes off the rails
  3. Taiwan Motorcycle / Scooter Licence - IDP Issue
  4. Apache Pinot Insecurity
  5. Salesforce Hardest Hitting Hacker
  6. ReDoS in Ruby net/http when parsing response headers
  8. Google CTF 2020 Writeup
  9. DEFCON:SM Car Hacking
  10. Python tarfile infinite loop DoS
  11. 我們都不完美
  12. SocketIO / EngineIO DoS
  13. v380 IPcam: Firmware patching
  14. v380 IPcam: Move with SOAP
  15. SecTalks CTF: ROP + ASLR = 500¥
  16. User-agent parsing REDoS (CVE‑2020‑5243)
  17. Jenkins UDP ping-pong (CVE‑2020‑2100)
  18. Exploit Grafana (CVE‑2019‑15043)
  19. Two REDoS vulns in cpython
  20. Big Data Lake, Big Data Leak
  21. Apache Zeppelin Vulnerability + Metasploit
  22. Your S3 buckets are leaking
  23. What The Fuzz
  24. Man-in-the-middling Android apps
  25. Should I rent a scooter in Bali?
  26. Avoiding injection with taint analysis
  27. v380 IPcam: Hardware Hackz
  28. Pebble Bike Sharer
  29. Chinese character of the day 倀
  30. Slack Bingo bot
  31. Pebble 新年快乐
  32. They Have Your Info
  33. Xbox 360 Live Gamercard